Finnish tango

Finnish tango is an established variation of the Argentine tango and one of the most enduring and popular music forms in Finland. Brought to Europe in the 1910s by travelling musicians, Finns began to take up the form and write their own tangos in the 1930s.[1] By the 1940s about half of the entries on the popular music charts were occupied by tangos, and the post war period saw tangos spread from a popular urban phenomenon to their enthusiastic adoption by the countryside as well.[2] Special characteristics of Finnish tango include the change of rhythm to beguine during chorus. Also habanera rhythm is used often.

The Finnish tango is distinguished from other forms of tango by its almost exclusive performance in minor keys and themes reflecting established conventions in Finnish folklore. As the head of the Finnish National Broadcaster's gramophone library explains, "The central themes of Finnish tango lyrics are love, sorrow, nature and the countryside. Many tangos express a longing for the old homestead, or a distant land of happiness. The changing seasons of Finnish nature are frequently used metaphors: the spring breaks the hold of the winter, and flowers appear, creating new expectations. Autumn rains and dark evenings are symbols of crushed hopes."[3]

One of the highlights of Finnish summers is the Tangomarkkinat, or tango festival, held annually since 1985 in the central Finnish town of Seinäjoki.[4] The festival attracts more than 100,000 participants annually (from a population of just over 5 million) and is capped by the coronation of the tango King and Queen, who receive much domestic media attention and often recording contracts as well.

Since joining the European Union in 1995, Finland's version of the tango has begun to receive wider attention, particularly the works of Olavi Virta, Toivo Kärki and Unto Mononen, the most renowned composer-performers.

The most well known Finnish tango songs include "Satumaa" by Unto Mononen, "Liljankukka" by Toivo Kärki, "Punatukkaiselle tytölleni" by Olavi Virta.


  1. ^ "The Story of the Finnish Tango" exVirtual FInland by Pekka Gronow, Archived at Wayback Machine, 2008.
  2. ^ "The Finnish Tango: Its History and Characteristics" by Jutta Jaakkola, Finnish Music Information Service, trans. Susan Sinisalo, May, 2000, retrieved June 17, 2006.
  3. ^ "Tango and the Finnish Soul" by Pekka Gronow, "" ExVirtual Finland"" 2007, Archived at Wayback Machine
  4. ^ "Tangomarkkinat", January, 2006, retrieved June 17, 2006.